Sunday 21 July 2024 - 15:52
'Wittgenstein in 60 Minutes' appears at Iranian bookstores

IBNA- Philosophy book 'Wittgenstein in 60 Minutes' (German: 'Wittgenstein in 60 Minuten', 2019) by Walther Ziegler has been published in Persian and is available at Iranian bookstores.

This work has been translated into Persian by Abuzar Najafi. Tehran-based Mehr-Andish Publishing has released 'Wittgenstein in 60 Minutes' in 108 pages.

Ludwig Wittgenstein is the great philosopher of language. With his world-famous 'Tractatus logico-philosophicus', he initiated an epochal change, the so-called "linguistic turn" away from classical philosophy and towards the philosophy of language.

Because according to his core idea, language alone determines the way in which we perceive the whole world and ourselves, neither a philosopher nor any other person is capable of grasping a single thought beyond words and sentences.

We learn language in early childhood and from that point on it determines our entire worldview. Therefore, according to Wittgenstein, the first and most important task of philosophy is to finally understand language itself as its fundamental tool of knowledge.

In the 'Tractatus' he precisely analyzes what we can say about the world with the help of words and sentences - and what we cannot. His result is radical. Only those statements are permissible that can be expressed logically and experimentally verified. And: "Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must remain silent."

But Wittgenstein made a second momentous discovery. In his late work, he shows that it is only the concrete "language games", i.e. the many everyday conversations between children, construction workers, theologians, scientists or football players, that give words meaning and influence our entire perception of the world.

He developed his famous theory of "language games". Do language games really determine our everyday lives and our entire reality? And if so - what use is Wittgenstein's discovery to us today?

The book 'Wittgenstein in 60 Minutes' explains both the "Tractatus" and the fascinating "Theory of Language Games" using the 100 best original quotations. It was published in the popular series 'Great Thinkers in 60 Minutes'.


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