Friday 5 January 2024 - 00:36
Iranian scholar of Persian language Amir-Banoo Karimi passes away

IBNA- Iranian professor and scholar of Persian literature Amir-Banoo Karimi (Amiri Firouzkouhi/Mosaffa) passed away of pulmonary heart disease. She was 92

Karimi who passed away on December 31, 2023, concurrent with her 92nd birthday was an expert in classical Persian literature and the work of Sa'eb Tabrizi.

She studied Persian Literature at the University of Tehran where she also taught as a professor upon graduation. She later married Mozaher Mosaffa, a Persian poet and professor of Persian literature at the University of Tehran.

In 2004, She was inducted into the Iranian Science and Culture Hall of Fame for her lifelong contributions to Persian studies, language, and literature.

Among her books are:

Edited edition 1 through 4 of ‘Jawami ul-Hikayat’

Compilation and critique of the two editions of the ‘Divan-i Amiri Firuzkuhi: Ghazaliyat va Qasa'id’ by Seyed Karim Amiri Firuzkuhi

'The Ghazals of Sa’eb Tabrizi'

Edited version of the Divan of Hakim Abdolrazagh Lahiji, publication of the University of Tehran Press

Critical Analysis of Hakim Sanai's ‘The Walled Garden of Truth’.

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