In the documentation section, Shiva Khademi was awarded the prestigious literary prize in Iran, worth five billion rials ($6,250), for her book titled 'The Factory’s Soil.”
In short story collections competition, 'The Green-Robed Fairy' written by Samad Taheri received the award.
In novel section, the award was given to 'Stone of Destiny' by Majid Qeisari.
In this edition, Gol-Ali Babaei was honored for a lifetime of documentation in the Sacred Defense (1980-1988 Iran-Iraq war) field.
Jalal Al-e Ahmad Literary Awards are highly regarded literary honors in Iran. Named after the renowned Iranian writer and intellectual, Jalal Al-e Ahmad, these awards celebrate excellence in literature across various genres, including novels, short stories, and critical essays, Tehran Times wrote.
The awards aim to recognize and promote outstanding literary achievements, encouraging writers to explore diverse themes, experiment with different styles, and contribute to the enrichment of Iranian literature.
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